Daily Archives: December 22, 2014

The Dusty Chronicles by B. J. Sheldon

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Haunting (The Dusty Chronicles #1)
B. J. Sheldon
Published: 29th April, 2013
Wandering in the Words Press
Genre: Supernatural
Age: Young Adult
From: Girls *Heart* Books Tour


When sixteen-year-old, Dusty Vermeer, moves to rural Iowa with her dad and sister at the start of her sophomore year, she undergoes major life changes – a new school, new friends, and a popular new boyfriend. But she soon discovers all is not what it appears to be. When Jack Olson, a handsome young soldier, begins to invade her dreams each night, she bears witness to the horrors of war and must determine what is real and what is just a dream. When Jack finally steps out of her dreams in ghostly form, begging for help and struggling to remember his life, Dusty makes it her mission to solve the mystery behind his death. As she draws closer to the truth, she places her own life at risk while struggling to cope with the feelings she develops for the soldier who’s been dead for nearly 60 years.

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2014 End Of The Year Wrap-Up

Bri Wow! Hard to think 2014 has come and gone so quickly! It feels like it should be, like, I dunno, October? But nope! End of the year’s here! There was a lot that happened for Books and Ashes this year, and the two bloggers who run it.

Assassin Iris Indeed, Books and Ashes has been open for approximately nine, almost ten months now. I can’t really believe that so much happened with my blog so quickly!

Bri It’s great isn’t it? We’ve posted over 100 post, close to 80 of those were reviews!

Assassin Iris I owe it to you really, I doubt I would have made it this far without a co-blogger to help everything run smoother. You’re a very charismatic person.

Bri Thanks dear! ❤ I’m glad to be aboard this ship, co-captaining across the vast sea that is the blogging world!

Assassin Iris You’ve recently come off a Pirates of the Caribbean binge again, haven’t you?

Bri Yup :3 But let’s stop lollygagging! This post is about everything that’s happened this year for us. I want to share some books that were my absolute favorites this year that I’m still yammering about even now! Everyone should read these books because they’re so near and dear to my heart! In no real particular order (other than the top two being the ones I’m buying for Christmas!) :

All 18 of these books were read from September to December, and they were all my favorite reads of the year! I’m so happy to have gotten back into reading all the time, this is the most I’ve read in years. Plus my bookshelf is filling up rather nicely and I’m giddy about it, I love books so much ❤

Assassin Iris I suppose I should share my favorite reads of the year myself, though its considerably shorter than yours is. In no particular order:

All in all, not too bad of a good collection. These were read over the entirety of this year, though I didn’t review The Help or the Vampire Academy series. I thought they were both rather fantastic, and I want to read the spin-off series Bloodlines when I get the chance. I know the series is coming to an end in February so maybe I’ll be able to get the other books before then.

Bri The Help is really good! I’m so glad you got to read it and Vampire Academy! I think I miss the VA books enough to warrant a binge read for them with you some time during the summer, we have to binge read The Infernal Devices and The Mortal Instruments books first! Which starts today with our first set of dual reviews starting tomorrow until the end of the year (I’m so excited for this feature)!!!

Assassin Iris Just make sure to not text spoilers Bri, I haven’t read these books yet and I know you’ve read them all.

Bri Of course! 😉 Don’t want to spoil the buckets of feels that you’re in for my dear.

Assassin Iris Haha, of course. If you say so. Something else that happened is that I moved to the state of Virginia in the United States earlier this month. I never thought that I would come here for very long, and I’m rather homesick for everything back in Wales. The beach is nice though, and Bri’s home in the middle of nowhere was fun to visit for a week.

Bri Shush, my home in the middle of nowhere is boring! I can’t wait to visit you in the summer for the company and the beaches! Ah, I miss the beach. Growing up in Florida ten minutes from the beach was stellar, and though I don’t miss the price for living there, I do miss going to the beach often and smelling the ocean! Oh, I also basically became an “aunt” for my friend’s baby back in September when he was born! He’s three months and a day old now, and I couldn’t be happier with the kid! He’s so cute, he’s started smiling and its basically the epitome of adorableness. I’ve never been a big fan of babies because I like sleep, but I love watching after him during the days I’m there.

Assassin Iris We also both started uni this semester, and I managed to balance reviewing, school, and having a job the entire semester quite effectively. Probably helps I worked in a library so when I wasn’t shelving books, or helping people I read and did homework. I’m not sure I want to take a job on this upcoming semester though, I’m not sure how different uni is going to be here compared to Wales. Maybe my third semester if I feel good about it.

Bri I tried balancing reviewing, school, and babysitting an infant. School suffered a bit because of the other two, mainly because of babysitting. I give props to the parents who have infants/young children that also go to school and do well, it’s freaking hard! I managed to come out with good grades though so I was happy about that!

Assassin Iris Hm, anything else? Oh, yes, we’ll be starting up weekly rounds of discussion post where we post a discussion post some time during each week next month. Perhaps the second week of January since the first one is only three days long.

Bri Kinda excited to do that, and I know both of us want to hear from our dear readers! So when we have a discussion post (or any post) we really welcome readers to post a comment if you guys want! Give us your thoughts! ;D

Assassin IrisMemes will be starting next month around the same time as well. We have one up out sleeves already that we’re excited to post on the first day of January! So be on the look out for that one. Other than that, I think that’s everything. Besides our 2015 reading challenges which will be covered next month however.

Bri Yeah, so I guess I’ll do a quick recap right then about what’s coming up!

  • Binge read of The Infernal Devices trilogy and The Mortal Instruments series started today
    • Dual Reviews for each of the books in the series are planned to start to tomorrow with Clockwork Angel
  • We have a meme that’s all our own that we’re going to post on January 1st!
  • We’re going to participate in reading challenges for 2015!
  • We’re going to start weekly discussion post about different things the second week of January
  • Lots more reviews
  • Lots of post in general
  • Celebration for one year of Books and Ashes opening on Tumblr
    • There is going to be a second one in November to celebrate our WordPress opening!
      • Neither of these will have giveaways as we’re poor college kids.

I think that covers everything we’ve planned that affects the blog so far! 🙂

Assassin Iris Was that last bullet necessary?

Bri I hate having to charge my phone 3 to 5 times a day because I read so much. This kindle will make my life easier so I’m not glued to outlets all the time.

Assassin Iris Fair point.

Bri Now that we’re done, it’s time for use to sign off and wish everyone happy reading!



Assassin Iris~The Assassin and The Dragon~ Bri