Monthly Archives: August 2015

Hello Everyone!

I’m sure you’ve noticed that this blog has gone completely silent since the 25th of June (our last review). You may have wondered what happened to both bloggers and I am here to let you know that this post is the final one for this blog.

Are we both quitting? No absolutely not! You see, due to a technical dilemma caused by me (Bri) we’ve lost access to this account in every way besides emailing post directly to it. I don’t know about you, but ALL of our post have a very specific formatting to them so this was an unacceptable solution. After trying very hard to recover this account Iris and I have simply decided to transfer our future posts to a new site that will be reflecting both of us more once we have an entire new set of graphics made for us (coming soon!).

So as a heads up, all of you email and WordPress followers will know how you can continue to follow us if you choose. We can now be found at:

I hope to see all of you there when we formally reopen this month there! We have plenty of work ahead of us, so its time for us to get moving on setting everything up fully!

Lots of love from,
Bri & Iris