Twisted Bloodlines series by Linda Jackson

Twisted Bloodlines Series

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Twisted Bloodlines (Twisted Bloodlines #1)
Linda Jackson
Published: June 5th, 2013
Moon Rose Publishing


Megan has never had what most would call a normal life.

Her childhood and teen years were spent on the run with her family, hiding from a horror so great it defines their world. Friends and homes are traded at a moment’s notice to escape from their worst nightmares.

Years pass, and her mother settles down with her new step-father, a kind man who does his best to protect them. Life lulls into a safe pace, and Megan finally feels as though she has control of her future for the first time in her life. But that peace is shattered with the arrival of a new family member, one that bears a striking resemblance to a savior of her past…

Confused by her deep emotional connection to him, things unravel fast. She learns that the people she lives with, even her own family, are not what they seem. Her only friend who helped her piece her life back together changes overnight, and she is left dealing with the fallout on her own…

As events unfold, Megan finds herself face to face with the horror that has haunted her since childhood. But will she be able to escape from her twisted bloodline?

What I liked: At first I wasn’t so sure how much of a story could be contained in the 130 pages this book has, but by the time I finished I realized that there had been no real need for my skepticism about this book when it started. Even at its small size this book has a well paced story with an ending that left me with so many questions because of the answers we received about Megan. Frankly, I wanted to know more. I thought the characters we meet were a nice bunch, they seemed well formed for such a short book and I came to really like Megan as a character, she grew a lot over the book. There’s also so much that happens between the secret keeping and the other characters that I was surprised by it!

What I didn’t like: Maybe a little more detail in some instances? I feel like the saying “the devil’s in the details” speaks quite well for this. For me, details are very important and while I don’t want an overly inundated text that makes me skim because there’s too much detail, I felt like there could have been more to further immerse me in what Megan was going through. Also, in the beginning I didn’t really like Megan because she just seemed to always be distraught over something (not that I blame her really) and while I was okay with it at first, after a while I just wanted action to start.

Overall Review: I found this to be a really good read, a good addition to the books I’ve read and managed to enjoy while having previous skepticism about it. While it wasn’t exactly what I was expecting when I first started it or my conclusions based off the summary, nevertheless this was an entertaining story.

Recommend?: Yes! Don’t always underestimate the shorter books!

Goodreads: 4.4/5 Amazon: 4.1/5 Barnes&Noble: 5/5


My Rating: 3.7/5

Rated Materials:
Cover: 3.6
Idea: 3.7
Story: 3.9
Characters: 3.6

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Conceived From Evil (Twisted Bloodlines #2)
Linda Jackson
Published: 11th December, 2013
Moon Rose Publishing


Having been rescued from a living nightmare by her newfound friends, Callie tries to come to terms with what was done to her. Distraught with the way she feels towards one of the residents in her new home, she finds herself the object of another unwanted affection as things soon spiral out of her control.

Finding out she is no longer the orphan she thought she was, her family begin to creep out of the woodwork. She soon realizes they are more terrifying than the beast who lives in her nightmares. With her enemy list growing by the minute, Callie finds out she is not so different from the people around her as fiction becomes reality, leaving Callie, and those she loves, fighting… for her life.

What I liked: I really liked this story. After having read the first one I knew not to underestimate the story simply because it was short and found myself quickly engrossed in the story and flipping the pages quickly to see what was going to happen. I liked the characters because even though I wasn’t sure what to expect with them I found myself enjoying the way the interacted for the most part.

What I didn’t like: I always want more from the story, it never feels like I’ve been told enough of the story and the end just makes me want to know more about what happens.

Overall Review: While I hadn’t expected this series to take me to a new character when I started it, I found that I came to like Callie and watch her as she grew over the course of the book. Her story was important and her journey was something I really liked.

Recommend?: Yes! Like the first book, the length doesn’t matter, the book was good!

Goodreads: 4.2/5 Amazon: -/5 Barnes&Noble: -/5


My Rating: 3.6/5

Rated Materials:
Cover: 3.4
Idea: 3.6
Story: 3.7
Characters: 3.7

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000447_00008]

Curses and Deception (Twisted Bloodlines #3)
Linda Jackson
Published: 4th July, 2014
Moon Rose Publishing


After the dramatic rescue of Megan, Trey wakes up to find himself held prisoner, trapped in a dreary dungeon with the beast inside of him bound. Being away from the chaos of his everyday life, he has a chance to get his head on straight and figure out how to tame the wolf. Or so he thought. His dungeon cellmate has captured his attention, and the beast inside is far from happy about it.

With a battle of wills raging inside, Trey and his cellmate attempt to escape the dungeon, but it’s only the first hurdle. With time ticking against them, they make their way through the maze ahead, desperate to escape. Will Trey get to explore his feelings towards her?

Or will the beast scare her off for good?

What I liked: While shorter than the second book this book was a lot more complicated in the way I felt about it. I think it’s because I expected the romance since it’s clear in the summary and in a way I think I was hoping for it no matter what. The setting was very different for this book than in the other two because Trey starts out as a prisoner in the book and he’s determined to escape. Also, that cover is killer because of that girl, I just love the way she looks!

What I didn’t like: Erm, well, I don’t remember. There was something but granted it was really late and I was tired when I read this (I was too invested in the series to stop by this point, I had to know what was going to happen in this book). Whatever it was, it clearly didn’t stick with me enough to remember, so maybe that’s a good thing?

Overall Review: A fun story that I was really invested in so I could find out what was going to happen by the end of these books I really liked the way the book paned out. Even with the different setting in the beginning from what the others have been I found it a nice change up.

Recommend?: If you’ve read the first two and liked them you should definitely read the third!

Goodreads: 5/5 Amazon: -/5 Barnes&Noble: -/5


My Rating: 3.8/5

Rated Materials:
Cover: 4.3
Idea: 3.6
Story: 3.7
Characters: 3.7

About the Author

I love to write, always have done since I was a child. I also love to draw anything and everything! Reading is also my passion as is music.My first book in my paranormal book series is due out on 5th June 2013, published by Moon Rose Publishing.


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